Homemade Watermelon Juice for Weight Loss


Watermelon is a rich source of vitamins like vitamin A&C and other minerals, like potassium, magnesium and antioxidants are also present in watermelon.

 In summer watermelon juice is a great source to reduce dehydration. Because watermelon has more water content so, if anyone keep hydrate in summer should eat watermelon or consume watermelon juice.

 Watermelon juices keeps our skin so fresh and healthy. watermelon juice is one of the best summer refreshing drinks add it will also be helpful for weight loss in summer.

Fresh homemade watermelon juice recipe

Now let’s get started to make a fresh homemade watermelon juice recipe.


 watermelon: 2cup

   lemon juice: one tablespoon

 black pepper: one pinch

 black salt: one pinch

 ice cubes: 2 - 3

 Mint leaves: 2-3

 Ginger:1 small piece (optional)


 How to make a fresh homemade watermelon juice first of all remove peel of watermelon and cut watermelon into cubes.

 Add these cubes in a blender or food processor and also add refined sugar or sugar powder if you need, add lemon juice one tablespoon, black pepper one pinch, black salt one pinch, add water half glass if you add sugar.

 Otherwise add all in a blender and blend it well.

Now this watermelon juice recipe is prepared transfer this watermelon juice in a glass adds ice cubes and leaves of mint.

  Enjoy this one of the best summer refreshing homemade watermelon juice.

Benefits of Watermelon Juice

There are many benefits of watermelon juice. It is a summer refreshing drink.

And we can make it at home easily.

The first and most important benefit of watermelon juice is it contains a lot of water content which keeps our body function regulate and maintain the proper water level in in the body in summer.

Prevent from dehydration.

Keep body hydrate in summer.

And also regulate the body temperature in a very hot weather. 

Watermelon contains vitamin A and Vitamin C, which is promote healthy skin, good for eyesight and good for immune system. Overall, it is really good for our health. 

Additionally, potassium is present in watermelon which is help properly to maintain the heart function and balancing the electrolyte level

Lycopene is an antioxidant which is present in a watermelon. Which gives it its vibrant red color. Lycopene helps to protect the body against free radicals and cause damaging the and contribute to the different diseases like certain type of cancer and heart disease.

Coraline, amino acid is also a present in watermelon juice. Which helps the body to reduce the any type of inflammation and Chronic level of any disease and promote the well-being. It will reduce the inflammation in the body like heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and promote the well-being. 

Watermelon juice contain dietary fiber which helps in digestion. And promote regular bowel movement.

Watermelon juice is really helpful for weight loss in summer because it is low in calories and also maintaining the proper hydration level in the body. 

Watermelon juice prevent from Constipation.

Maintain a good digestion system. 

Watermelon juice is a good source of hydration and electrolyte. which keeps balance in the body fluid, nerve function, Heart health, digestive system and muscle contraction in summer or in a very hot weather. 

Watermelon contains natural sweetness which gives satisfy craving for sugary food. There is no need to add excessive sugar


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